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Midjourney每日咒语 Day 9 |科幻建筑


🔹 丝线全息图 / Wireframe hologram
🔹 发光蓝线 / Glowing blue lines
🔹 标志性结构 / Iconic structure
🔹 黑色背景 / Isolated dark background
🔹 古典中国建筑 / Ancient Chinese architecture
🔹 数字艺术作品 / Digital artwork
🔹 未来技术 / Futuristic technology
英文:a wireframe hologram of shanghai skyline with glowing blue lines forming intricate patterns around its iconic structure against an isolated dark background. the design showcases detailed architectural details and features, creating a visually stunning representation of ancient chinese architecture. this digital artwork is perfect for creative projects that need to convey both historical significance and futuristic technology, in the style of 8k. —ar 3:2 —v 6.0
中文: 一幅以丝线全息图形式呈现的上海天际线,其上发光的蓝色线条围绕着其标志性结构形成复杂的图案,背景为孤立的黑色。这一设计展示了详细的建筑细节和特点,创造出一个视觉上令人震撼的代表古典中国建筑的图像。这件数字艺术作品非常适合需要传达历史意义和未来科技的创意项目,采用了8k风格。

IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端1楼2024-04-10 23:52回复