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长远的影响_林书豪精神 !!!


Football’s Jeremy Lin? NFL Draft prospect Taylor Rapp set to be second Chinese-American in pro football
足球的林书豪? NFL选秀前景泰勒拉普在职业橄榄球比赛中成为第二位华裔美国人
Washington Huskies safety determined to be role model for Asian-Americans
He is joined in the draft by Heisman Trophy winner Kyler Murray, another player with Asian heritage
Jonathan White
Published: 8:00am, 25 Apr, 2019

Taylor Rapp is 21 years old and is yet to play a game of pro football but he is determined to be a role model.
“There’s not a lot of Asian-Americans in sport,” he said in his instalment of the Rolling With The Rookies video series. “In football there’s none.
“运动中没有很多亚裔美国人,”他在“滚动新秀”系列视频中说道。 “在足球场上没有。
“My mission is to inspire Asian-American kids who don’t have someone to look up to. I want to be that role model that they can be inspired by.”
“我的使命是鼓励那些没有人照顾的亚裔美国人。 我想成为他们可以受到启发的榜样。“
“There was really no one that I could really look up to in football specifically,” he said.
“I mean, there’s like Jeremy Lin in Linsanity when that happened, but I couldn’t really connect with him because he was in basketball. I never even really played basketball. When it came to football and baseball, I never really saw any Chinese players.
“我的意思是,当Linsanity发生这种事情的时候就像林书豪一样,但是因为他在篮球场,所以我无法与他联系。 我甚至都没打过篮球。 谈到足球和棒球,我从未真正看到任何中国球员。

1楼2019-04-26 07:40回复

    2楼2019-04-26 17:15