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IP属地:江西1楼2013-03-11 22:45回复

    THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
    Q. What did Nadal do in the second set? The first set you know, seemed a little bit tougher.
    RYAN HARRISON: He started passing a lot better. I was just kind of throwing him off rhythm a little bit with mixing the serve and volley. I think once I let that tiebreaker slip away a little bit, and he, you know, he got ahead and he started loosening up and swinging out a little more.
    Yeah, it's just tough to play those guys when you get behind a little bit, because they're obviously so good that when they start front running it's just a tough hole to get out of.
    Q. Did you have any sense of how he would play tonight, knowing he had been off so long? 346 days not on hard courts.
    RYAN HARRISON: If you are asking if I got a glimpse into the future, no, I did not know how he was going to play tonight.
    Q. You talked about how disappointed you were in the Djokovic match in Australia. Today, forced Nadal to a tiebreak. Step in the right direction at least?
    RYAN HARRISON: I feel a lot better after this match, even though I lost, than I have hitting the ball in a month or so. I feel even the second set was 6 2, but the 1 All, 1 2 games were pretty back and forth.
    Only bad game I played in the second set was the 1 3 game, but he had a few shots to break me there, too.
    I think I put a good amount of work in over the last week, and, you know, it just you don't become a top 5 player in a week. It's just going to be about consistently staying on the process of what I have been doing.
    That's, you know, all you can really do.

    IP属地:江西2楼2013-03-11 22:46
      Q. I guess easier said than done, play the match on your terms against him because he likes to dictate also, no?
      RYAN HARRISON: Definitely. As you saw in the second set, even like I was throwing him off rhythm by serving and volleying a lot. I wish I would have made more first serves. That could have been a little more beneficial if I was able to whenever you're coming off a kick serve that's 105 miles an hour, 100 miles an hour, it's a little more set than a 125 mile an hour first serve. I wish the first serve percentage could have been higher.
      That's one thing I wish I could have changed. As far as the strategy goes and everything, I felt like I played the way I wanted to play. Just at that point becomes an execution thing. As you have seen with Rafa, even whenever you play well sometimes he comes out on top because he's so good.

      IP属地:江西3楼2013-03-11 22:46

        Q. Was it difficult on you guys when Andy retired? I know you talk to him frequently and he was clearly the leader. Now you go into this year and it's not defined who is leading American tennis and don't have a former slam champ up there with the rest of the group.
        RYAN HARRISON: Like you said, he obviously carried that weight on our shoulders. And when it came to the pounding of, you know, the before it was, you know what was it, three years ago it was you guys haven't had a Grand Slam champion, and then it was you haven't had a top 10, and now it's top 20. It's going the wrong direction. We are going to turn it around soon.
        That's the plan soon. But Andy always got hammered with all those questions, and he did a great job of staying focused and staying the course despite all that weight that he carried.
        I think that John has been a guy that's been No. 1 in America for some time now. I think Mardy being back, he definitely brings that experience. I'm fortunate enough where these guys are lending me their help and their knowledge and I'm spending time with them.
        You know, Andy has been really helpful with me back in Austin. He's done a great favor to me coming out to the courts and helping me with things, especially after not playing well in Delray. I spent a few days on the court with him.
        I can honestly say it contributed a lot to my confidence turnaround. You know, so he's staying involved even though he's not out in these tournaments.
        But I guess to summarize everything, it's just something that we all have to keep working at, and individually we have to put the work in for ourselves.
        Q. We in the press corp know as well as anyone Andy Roddick can be pretty outspoken and direct and kind of blunt. When he's been talking to you, does he give you some tough love?
        RYAN HARRISON: I mean yes. To answer the question, yes. (Smiling.) Yes.

        IP属地:江西5楼2013-03-11 22:47

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