关注: 128,048 贴子: 3,144,924


  • 目录:
  • 欧美动漫
  • 87
    书不在手上,凭记忆,可能有点出入 (回去校对预定 趁还有一个月冰雪帝国开播,许愿一下R戏份多一点(球球orz 本来发在Roman吧但是太冷了可恶 看到吧里有整理时间线的(好耶
  • 99
    关于Mo与RWBY的编剧. Mo作为导演与动画师上的天分是无可置疑的,但他很清楚自己和伙伴的职能定位。所以Mo说过”我可以边睡觉边做战斗场面,但想要深思熟虑加入更多的想法的东西,比如剧情和人设,则是Miles 和kerry来搞。” RWBY是由Mo创造而由Mo,kerry,Miles共同编剧的作品。 Mo让Shane成为自己在动画上的亲传弟子,却从未让他参与导演和编剧,关于shane我们后面说。Miles Luna与Mo最早在RvB第十季中就是共同编剧开始合作,并被Mo选择成为RWBY编剧。Kerry Sh
    whiterose~ 3-22
  • 35
    (预警:本人学识不精,存在意译现象。本翻译仅供交流学习,不做商业用途。) (经前辈建议把之前的帖子整合起来,后续更新也在这帖下) E.C.Myers著 Rooster Teeth动画制作公司授权发行 SmokySis 译(本人翻译用名) 基于 Morty Oum 所创作的RWBY动漫系列
    Stein 10-17
  • 410
    大家好,这里是OranZERO_呈翎。最近官方设定集到位了,质量好的出乎意料,提供了很多以往未公开的有趣资料,还有一些比较有意思的Monty卖萌环节(误)。一本看下来能对RWBY世界有更系统的认识,故有意翻译全本。但因为文字量较大,加上按部就班的翻译实在太累了,现为各位推出点单模式,让我们一起慢慢把它给搞定。 【对,就这本。不要在意摄影水平,意思到了就好。】 点单规则: 每周末楼主更新翻译后将另外起一层点单楼,大家可在评论里
    Slcoclk 6-25
  • 51
    不会调整字体和排版,为了不涉及剧透,本文不讨论剧情 先声明一下,首发是我写的B站长评,没错,我写的,但是那边有字数限制,发不完,整理一下再发一次,没错,你会发现我在隔壁天使论坛也水了一贴 RWBY这部作品从2013年一路走来,给了我们观众一个与众不同的动画体验,我们第一次知道了,原来除了动作电影,动画的也可以当作动作片看。为了不涉及剧透,本文不讨论剧情,只做制作上的技术性分析。 本文标题捏他自,Framer Boy from Tatooine,
  • 41
    此文翻译并整理Wikipedia、RWBY wiki、 RoosterTeeth wiki来介绍RWBY的三位编剧:Monty Oum、 Miles Luna、 Kerry Shawcross。
    古树夏 6-2
  • 43
    crescent. 6-26
  • 130
    Miles Luna Kerry Shawcross Paula Decanini RWBYchibi导演 参加了Reddit r/rwby AMA(ask me anything)活动,揭露了大量设定和制作内幕 以下翻译整理:/为译注和吐槽/ 二楼放
  • 138
  • 7
    Ren: Just get him to safety! Jaune: Guys, keep moving, go in a circle! Ruby: What are you doing? Nora: Ruby! Nora: Stop looking! Ren: Ah-ugh. Jaune: Ren! Knock it off! Ren: Nora, let go! Nora, they're going to get hurt if we don't— Nora: No. I won't let you kill yourself like this. After everything we've been through, I won't let it end. Nora: Not like this. Nora: We can do this. Ruby: Ren. Jaune and I can take care of its arms. Nora: I'll take care of the horse. Ren: And I'll take care of the rest. Ren: Now! Ren: Nora! Ren: For my mother. Ren: For my father. Ren:
  • 6
    Salem: Enough. Salem: I thought you were the girl that wanted power. Did you lie to me? Salem: Then stop holding back. If you wish to master your new powers, you must - Tyrian: I'm sorry. She'll forgive me. Please, forgive me. Salem: Tyrian! Salem: Your task - were you successful? Tyrian: No. Tyrian: But-but hope is not lost! My tail, my stinger … I-I poisoned him, Qrow! He would not be a nuisance to you any longer, no … no longer! I've done that. Have I done well? Have I pleased you? Salem: The last eye is blinded … you disappoint me. Taiyang Xiao Long: I don't remember
  • 12
    Ozpin: I'm sorry. Oscar: You know… the weirdest part is how it feels. Leaving home is crazy. Going to the city is crazy. Everything you've told me is completely crazy. But it doesn't feel crazy anymore. It feels like I'm doing the right thing. Ozpin: Well… I suppose that's good. Oscar: No. It's scary. Oscar: Stupid thing. I'm assuming whatever weird magic this is doesn't come with an infinite supply of money? Ozpin: I'm afraid you'll have to solve this one on your own. Oscar: Huh? Ozpin: Be on your guard. Oscar: What do you mean? Hazel: Here. Hazel:
  • 4
    RWBY: WORLD OF REMNANT THE GREAT WAR The Great War. What a terrible name for such a horrible time in history. Though the war itself lasted around ten years, the century leading up to it was filled with so much tension, you might as well lump 'em together. And most of that tension was coming from Mistral. Territories rich with resources and safe from Grimm have always been in high demand. But the emperor of Mistral had managed to conquer nearly all that Anima had to offer, thanks in part to an unlikely friend - Mantle. The two kingdoms had formed an alliance. Mistral provided the small king
  • 6
    Taiyang: Whoa, that thing packs a punch! Yang: We've been at this for weeks. I get it, you wanna make sure I can still fight. I think I'm doing just fine. Taiyang: You're close. Yang: Oh, really? Taiyang: You're still off balance. Yang: What?! No I'm not! Yang: Honestly, I'm kind of surprised. Yang: I thought it would be just this huge weight, but it feels… natural. They did a great job with this thing. Taiyang: I wasn't talking about your actual balance. Taiyang: Although, that could use some work too. Yang: Meaning? Taiyang: I saw your tournament fights. During
  • 26
    Qrow: Really? No questions? Jaune: Of course we have questions. This is just… a lot to take in. Qrow: Sure, of course. Ruby: So these… Maidens… They're powerful fighters that don't need Dust to use magic. Qrow: Yeah. Nora: And there are four of them? Qrow: Yup. Always. Ren: Which means that, whenever one of them dies, the power transfers to someone - a female - that they cared about? Qrow: Whoever was in their thoughts last. Important distinction. Best option is someone we can trust. Regardless, their souls become combined, in a way. Jaune: And that's what you were trying to
    逐の夜 2-1
  • 2
    Oscar's Aunt: Oscar, supper's almost ready! Oscar: What're we having? Oscar's Aunt: Doesn't matter! You're eating it! Oscar: I never agreed to these terms! Oscar's Aunt: It's part of the “living under my roof” contract! Read the fine print, then come wash up! Ozpin: We have to leave. Ozpin: Oscar. Oscar! Oscar: I've decided you're not real, so you might as well just give up. Ozpin: I understand how you're feeling. I went through the same panic and confusion. Oscar: It's not real. It's not real. It's not real. Ozpin: I can assure you,
  • 14
    RWBY: WORLD OF REMNANT SCHNEE DUST COMPANY Alright, alright, what was I supposed to talk about next? Uh... Oh! Oh-ho-ho-hooo boy! Yeah, okay! I've got a few words to say about this one. The Schnee Dust Company. Bunch of self-entitled, monopolizing, S-N-O-Bs, who only care about making a profit, no matter how many little people they gotta step on to make it happen. A-hem. But, that's just my opinion. As you all know, a survival on the world of Remnant depends almost entirely on a crystallized substance known as Dust. It powers our cities, fuels our machines and gives us a fighting chanc
  • 5
    Nora: Another day, another adventure! Ruby: What's on the agenda today? Jaune: Walking! Nora: With a side of...? Ren: Walking. Ruby: Haven is a lot farther away than I thought. Ren: Ruby? How long did you think this journey was going to take? Ruby: I don't know! I grew up in a small area; I've never been this far away from home! Jaune: Right but… how long? Ruby: Maybe like, uh… two weeks? Jaune: What?! Ruby: Okay, fine! Three or something! Look, whatever. Ruby: Hey, what's that? Jaune: That's… strange. I didn't think we'd be hitting another village for a few d
    无名往事 12-26
  • 26
    It used to feel like a fairy tale Now it seems we were just pretending We'd fix our world Then on our way to a happy ending Then it turned out life Was far less like a bedtime story Than a tragedy With no big reveal of the hero's glory And it seems we weren't prepared For a game that wasn't fair Do we just go home? Can we follow through? When all hope is gone, There is one thing we can do Let's just live! Day by day and not be conquered by our sorrows The past can't hold us down We must break free Inside we're torn apart But time will mend out [sic] hearts Move onwa
  • 4
    Sun: I've never seen so many Faunus in one place! Blake: This is the one place everyone can feel safe, no matter who or what they are. Sun: Wow, sure is, uh, crowded, huh? Blake: Yes. Yes, it is. Sun: Is it always so… cramped? Blake: Well, when you try and take an entire species and put them on an island that's two-thirds desert, yeah, it tends to be cramped. Sun: What! You guys have that much more space? Why waste it? A little desert never hurt anyone! Blake: It's not like the desert in Vacuo, Sun. The wildlife here is more dangerous than most other regions. Sun: So, they give u
    无名往事 12-26
  • 9
    RWBY: WORLD OF REMNANT FAUNUS You know, most of us spend a lot of time talkin' about mankind versus Grimm, but technically, there is a third party in the mix: the Faunus. In case you're not in the know, Faunus are a species on Remnant that appear to be human in just about every way … every way but one. Each Faunus has a single animalistic trait, some more apparent than others. Ram horns, tiger claws, cat ears… I swear, on my Huntsman's license, I once saw a guy regrow his severed lizard tail. I swear. No amount of drinking can make you forget that pretty picture. As far as ever
    ApzyA 12-6
  • 5
    Oscar: Hello? Ozpin: Hello! I'm Professor Ozpin! Oscar's Aunt: Oscar? You be careful with those tools! Port: And, and, and then, in comes Qrow, wearing a skirt! I was just a TA, I-I didn't know what to do, so I just… I just left the room to laugh! Taiyang: Yeah, we told him it was a kilt! He'd never worn a uniform before, so he didn't know! Oobleck: That is terrible! What is wrong with you!? Taiyang: Hey! The girls all said he had nice legs! I did that jerk a favor! Besides, that's not even the best part! See, then we- Port: "Like what you see?" Port: Whoa-o
  • 11
    RWBY: World of Remnant Between Kingdoms So, now you know more about the Kingdoms. But, what's between the big cities? Alright, the easy answer is: Grimm. There's no reason to beat around the bush; they're out there, and it probably won't go well if you run into one. That's OK, 'cause you're a Huntsman—or, Huntress. And you've trained at one of the major academies, so you're probably fine. Just don't get yourself overrun by a pack of 'em. Now, after a long day of killin' Grimm and savin' the world, you're going to probably want to stop a
    sbz_kid 11-29
  • 4
    RWBY: WORLD OF REMNANT ATLAS I suppose it's time we talked about the fine people at the top of the world. Atlas is Remnant's youngest and arguably, most successful kingdom. But it's a bit of a special case. See, before the Great War, there was no Atlas - there was Mantle. At some point in time, a group of settlers were crazy enough to venture out into the northernmost continent of Solitas. I guess when you're that desperate, a frozen hunk of rock doesn't seem like such a bad place to call home. As a matter of fact, the harsh weather conditions proved to be just as useful as
  • 4
    RWBY: WORLD OF REMNANT VALE Well, school's definitely out. Let's see if we can't all learn a little something. Welcome to the world of Remnant. Not the best place to live, but depending on where you're staying, it can get a little easier. You've got towns and villages that pop up as fast as they fall. The Faunus have Menagerie. But the sweet spots are Vale, Mistral, Atlas, and Vacuo. The four kingdoms of the modern era, and each one's special in its own little way. Let's talk about Vale. In the grand scheme of things, Vale's pretty well guarded. Rests on the nor
    薄荷4浅 11-20
  • 8
    Captain: Traveling alone? Captain: Now, now, no threat here. Just here to chat. Blake: And why is that? Captain: Well, not many people travel by boat on their own. It can be quite a lonely voyage. But I found those that do tend to have the more… interesting stories. Blake: Maybe it's just… better for some people to be alone. Captain: Maybe, but with your paranoia, I think a few friendly faces wouldn't hurt. Blake: Who says I'm paranoid?! Captain: No one, dear, no one. I'll leave you be. Captain: But uh, fair warning: these trips can be awfully boring. Blake: Mmm. Blake: Won
    希尔顿凯 11-26
  • 9
    Whitley: Good afternoon, sister. Whitley: A pleasure to see you out of your room for a change. Weiss: Hello, Whitley. You're in a cheery mood today. Whitley: Klein made crepes for breakfast. Weiss: What do you want? Whitley: I heard Father shouting with someone in his study earlier. Weiss: Mother? Whitley: No, she's already drinking in the garden. I think it was a man. Whitley: I just wanted to warn you. I heard he had asked to speak with you. Weiss: I'll be fine. Whitley: I know you will. You are strong, like Winter. Weiss: You never liked Winter. Whitley: True, but you can't
    GI37康德 11-13
  • 58
    Watts: Yes, yes, keep your posse in check. Watts: You hear that? Silence. Watts: I've half a mind to thank the little girl that bested you. Tyrian: If I were you, I'd hunt her down. Find her and, well, she took your eye, didn't she? Watts: Pathetic. Why did you even— Salem: Watts. Salem: Do you find such malignance necessary? Watts: I apologize, ma'am. I'm not particularly fond of failure. Salem: Then I see no reason for your cruelty towards young Cinder. She's become our Fall Maiden, destroyed Beacon Tower, and most importantly, killed dear Ozpin. So I'm curious,
    N0v1ce 4-4
  • 17
    Rooster Teeth Games Character RANK Guide HOW TO ADVANCE IN RANK? To help with any confusion on Ranking up. Here's a quick guide for your reference. RANK 0 -> 1 All players begin at level 0. To achieve rank 1, you must meet the “Maxed Out” requirement - Maxed Out: Reach Max Level (10) with four characters RANK 1 -> 2 Rank 1 players will be promoted to rank 2 after completing the following challenges: Leveled Up - Get 1 character to level 10 10x Revives - Revive 10 teammates 50x Ranged Kills - Get 50 kills with ranged attacks 50x Hit Streak - Get a hit streak of 50 or higher Ursa S
  • 131
    这不是引导舆论,这迄今为止还能称得上是官方的回复 Kathleen(RT制作人,好女巫的声优) 她说的一句话:“SHANE写的全部都是真的”、 而她自己的态度:我已经不在RT管理层差不多三年了,我支持Shane,从现在到未来都将一直支持了 现在一家之言变成了2家之言,她还暗示RT的管理层内确实有锅主 到底是谁……不是该揣测的对象,我先说一声,RT内部是有良心的 也许是Kara,也许是Jeff,也许是Arryn,也许是Dillon 但确实存在一部分由“人”组成的势力,
    回归zero 6-26
  • 66
    Does it feel good, knowing you tried 感觉爽吗,知道试过了 Knowing that all that remains 也知道剩下的只有 Is the slow cold brutal death 缓慢、冰冷、残酷的死 Of the fools that will all die in vain 那些蠢货全都白白送命 How does it feel 感·觉·如·何 Knowing your efforts will fail 知道你的努力全部白费 All that you've built will be torn down 你打造的一切全部毁灭 The hope of your people assailed 人民的希望受到威胁 Send your guardians, they will fail 派出你的守护者,他们会败 Legends and heroes will crumble and fal
    飘啊182 5-20
  • 110
    Welcome to the bloodbath jump into the tub 欢迎抵达溺血浴缸,跳进来洗个澡吧 Fist-fight, death-match come and join the club 空手互搏,死亡竞赛开幕,加入这个俱乐部 Kick-start your face with a metal-clad boot 踩下你的脸,钢镀的履轰轰发动 You should give up now your retaliation's moot 快放弃吧,挣扎抵抗并没卵用 I'll run circles round ya, I can touch the sky 我把你甩了老三圈,我都能上天了 I'm gonna make ya hurt and I'm gonna make you cry 我会让你痛的,我会让你叫的 You want to mess around? Well
    露妖 6-11
  • 94
    来自WIKIA V3 OST 的猴哥角色曲
    qadfgghh 9-2
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  • 32
    出处: Monty亲述RWBY制作软件及过程: My work has always required an unconventional form of thinking and an unconventional application. Many people are often surprised to hear that most of my work is done in Smith Micro's Poser. Poser has been my primary program for the last 14 years. My work in the last three seasons of Red vs Blue, and all of RWBY, has been animated almost entirely in Poser. Poser is used as the primary animation app. All assets are usually built in Maya including characters, props and sets. The
    Billie117 3-17
  • 52
    It's been 1 year since you were taken from us. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you, and not a day that goes by that I don't miss you. 你离开我们已逾一年,每天我都想念着你。 I wish so badly that you could see the impact you've had on the world, and what your creations have become. I wish you could have seen RWBY on Netflix, get picked up in Japan, become a game, and how it has inspired and touched millions. I wish you could see Volume 3, and how beautiful it is. I wish you could see how big the animation team has grown, and the magi
  • 28
    You were the one 就是你 Who held me down 管着我 and told me I was heading nowhere 让我哪儿也不许去 You said know your place 你说要“安分守己” Accept your fate and show good face “接受命运”,“强颜欢笑” and be thankful that you're there “庆幸自己在这里” That was so long ago when you owned me 很久以前,你拥有我的时候 I believed it was true 我相信那是真的 Bend me, shape me 扭曲我,塑造我 Build me, break me 发展我,毁坏我 Why was I your fool? 我为何成了你的傻瓜? And now I'm so much stronger 现
  • 636
    咳咳......我又来开坑了。之前在Wiki搬运贴里也提到会开一个介绍配音演员的贴。 这个内容就比搬运Wiki要难,因为要翻找好几个页面搜集资料。 不过至少不需要像RWBY里的人物一样经常需要等内容更新什么的。 所以大概更新会更有规律一点吧。大概......咳咳。 那么从Ruby的配音演员Lindsay开始。
    RLHE 11-8
  • 38
    I couldn't take it, couldn't stand another minute; 我受不了,多一分钟都受不了 Couldn't bear another day without you in it. 没有你的日子多一天都受不了 All of the joy that I had known for all my life 我这一生体会过的所有快乐 Was stripped away from me the minute that you died. 从你去世那刻起就都被剥夺 To have you in my life was all I ever wanted, 我的唯一愿望就是生命里拥有你 But now without you I'm a soul forever haunted. 现在失去你了我变为永远的冤魂 Can't help but feel that I had taken you for grant
  • 58
    刚看见一个贴说应该把“树不子”翻译成遗迹````不过现在找不到了,后台也找不到吧务的删除记录,应该是楼主自删了。 言归正传,The world of Remanent 为什么不是遗迹世界?因为 remanent 这个词并不是遗迹的意思。而是残存、幸存,你们见过几个国家的国民生活在遗迹里的? The world of Remanent 指的是残存、幸存下来的世界,是活着的、劫后余生的世界。而遗迹是死的。Remanent 可不是什么 relic(遗迹、废墟) 。 为何翻译为“树不子”,很简单,“不(dun3)
  • 34
    RWBY的模型是maya制作(建模); 3D渲染、动画、角色绑定部分是poser制作; 还有Adobe负责时间轴啦同步输出啦、用来合成的Director啦等等等等软件 谁有空去把我以前那些贴过maya建模图片的贴翻出来? 都没空那就算了吧````我也很忙

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会员: 贝奥狼

目录: 欧美动漫